What is capoeira?

Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art form disguised as a dance. It was created in the 16th century as a form of resistance by enslaved Africans and African descendants in Brazil who concealed this practice of self-defense with music, dance and acrobatics. 

Who are we?

We are Capoeira Terreiro da Lua or TdL for short, a capoeira group and school in Queens, New York City, led by Contramestre Malandro. Terreiro da Lua loosely translates to "meeting place of the moon". The group was established in May 2019. 

Check our class schedule and give this versatile, playful, energizing art a try.

Logo created by Martin Parsekian


"Every class is a vibrant mix of laughter, camaraderie, wisdom, and personal growth."

Louva deus

"This group feels like family. It is a place to learn and grow no matter where you are at in your Capoeira journey."

Brisa do mar

"Capoeira Terreiro da Lua is a nourishing environment for personal growth, from music to culture to physical movements."
